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Jeśli będziecie obojętni, jakieś Auschwitz spadnie wam z nieba

W obecnych czasach, gdy różne mniejszości nie mogą zaznać spokoju, mogę tylko mieć nadzieję, że większość opowie się za prawami człowieka”.

Do not be indifferent in the face of historical lies. Do not be indifferent when you see the past being exploited for the needs of contemporary politics. Do not be indifferent when any minority suffers discrimination. For it's the essence of democracy that the majority wields the power, but at the same time, the rights of the minority must be respected," former prisoner of the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration and death camp, Marian Turski, said on Monday during the commemoration of the 75th anniversary of the camp's liberation. He stressed that indifference may cause "an Auschwitz suddenly fall down on you from the skies". Mr Turski also urged younger generations not to "be indifferent when any government violates the already established social contracts

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